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The Best Voter Lists Available

Why Voter ID Matters to This 16 Year Old


Voter ID has been a hot topic in North Carolina over the past year, especially with the Presidential election coming up. I personally have no idea why people are against Voter ID; it just seems logical to me that someone would have to show a form of identity in order to vote, but of course, many disagree.

Today, my family received something very startling in the mail—a jury duty summon for my Great Grandmother, who passed away several years ago. After seeing the letter, out of curiosity, I decided to go online and find out if she was still registered to vote, and sure enough, she was.

Just to put things into perspective—in North Carolina, because there is no law saying that I have to show a form of identification and no one can ask me to, I could go to my great grandma’s precinct, tell them her name and address, and then proceed to vote. It would be that easy!

So to all of you who say we don’t have a voter fraud problem: you’re either ignorant or up to no good.

*Visit this website to find out if your deceased relatives are also registered to vote.*

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