Felonious Ignorance
The decision to veto the repeal of the Racial Justice Act by Governor Beverly Perdue is both hypocritical and ignorant of epic proportions. I have come to this conclusion based on the fact that Governor Perdue just signed legislation by the name of Justice Re-Investment Act. The biggest purpose of this Act, supposedly, is to save taxpayers money by lessoning the jail time and consequences for those individuals convicted of a crime therefore freeing up jail space and saving the taxpayers money. Yet keeping the Racial Justice Act in effect will cost taxpayers millions of unnecessary dollars a year.
As a victim and a citizen it is a hard pill to swallow knowing that the argument being sold to you that the Justice Re-investment Act is necessary due to budget shortfall is the same seller of propaganda that the Racial Justice Act is necessary to ensure proper justice. The Racial Justice Act is as frivolous as it is discriminatory. Our criminal justice system already has an appeals process based on facts of the case not statistical color of skin. As a citizen, I would like to make the case to repeal the Racial Justice Act based on the same argument the state uses that we have budget shortfalls. The millions of extra dollars wasted on this cause be injected back into the criminal justice system to hold these offenders more accountable for their crimes.
As a citizen, I am not the only one that has expressed concern. As stated by many legal professions as well as all N.C. district attorney’s, to keep this law in effect is both non-productive and extremely costly, to the taxpayers. This law which is executed based on statistics, will clog up our already overburdened criminal justice system. It is my opinion that if we are going to create laws and make extremely important decisions based on statistics then we should start by not re-electing Governor Beverly Perdue because, statistically, she is ranked one of the worst governors in the United States based on policy decisions.
Marcus Philemon
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