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WaPo BullyGate Baloney


I must preface this by reminding everyone that I am not the president of the Mitt Romney fan club. In fact, I’m not sure that I am even a full-fledged member. I mention this because I am absolutely outraged by the manner in which Romney is being treated about his days, some 48 years ago, as a high school student.

The Washington Post devoted 5,400 words to closely examine Romney’s high school pranks and to imply that such juvenile behavior by a juvenile somehow disqualifies him from becoming president of the United States. Five thousand, four hundred words. That is a huge amount of coverage. As an example, my daily Katz commentaries usually run about 175 words; longer opinion columns normally run about 800 words. The Washington Post used 5,400 words and it now appears that some of them might have been of questionable merit.

I remember when I discovered in high school that kids could use bunson burners in chemistry class to shoot water at other students across the room. Good thing I’m not running for president.

If we are now going to examine Romney’s record, can we please see Barack Obama’s records as well?


“The Jeff Katz Show,” twice named Best Talk in Boston by the Associated Press, can be heard mornings at or by downloading i heart radio.

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