Opposition to Panthers Subsidy Goes Statewide
First it was bailouts for Wall Street. Taxpayer cash for Fannie, Freddie, and AIG.
Then bailouts for “automakers” (which was really code for Obama’s Union cronies.)
Then the failed “stimulus.”
Then a complete cave-in on the fiscal cliff, with taxes going up for everyone with no spending cuts.
But that’s not enough. When it comes to government picking your pockets for the benefit of billionaires, it’s never enough.
Now Jerry Richardson and the Carolina Panthers want whatever you’ve got left, and they’re going to use state government to get it!
Bank of America Stadium was built in 1996. It’s less than 20 years old, and Jerry Richardson and the Panthers own it, lock, stock and barrel. But if Jerry has his way, the NC General Assembly will give him $62.5 million to renovate his stadium.
Not loan. GIVE.
You see, Jerry has a long wish list. He wants $28 million in new escalators. $59 million in new video and ribbon boards, along with a new sound system. $62 million for new seats, and $25 million in “technology upgrades.”
And he wants you to pay for it. Why? Well, as he puts it, “They’re so coveted (NFL franchises). They (owners) don’t have to pay for them. There are only 32. That’s the reality.”
Right now you might be thinking, “Wait, that’s more than the $62.5 million he’s asking from the state.”
That’s right, it is. That’s why Jerry Richardson and the Panthers also want the City of Charlotte to jack up their taxes. He’s pressuring the NC General Assembly to pass a bill giving the Democrat-controlled Charlotte City Council (which thinks this is all a terrific idea, by the way) permission to increase Charlotte’s prepared food and beverage tax–so the city can give Jerry another $144 million.
In his Tea Party response to the State of the Union address, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul said, “What America needs is not Robin Hood, but Adam Smith.”
I agree, but this isn’t even robbing the rich to give to the poor. Jerry Richardson (whose net worth is somewhere around $500 million) wants to rob from everyone to spend on himself.
This has to be stopped. Corporate welfare is the worst kind of welfare. The Charlotte City Council has already eagerly agreed to this massive highway robbery, but they still need the state’s permission to jack their food taxes through the roof. Unfortunately, Republican leaders in Raleigh are trying to duck the issue.
When asked about this giveaway, Rep. Bill Brawley (bill.brawley@ncleg.net) said, “There will be a referendum.”
Translation: I don’t want to make a decision, so I’ll punt it to voters.
Speaker Thom Tillis said that while he’s opposed to direct state money going to the Panthers, he’s willing to consider letting Charlotte Democrats raise taxes to force Charlotte citizens to foot the bill.
None of this is acceptable. What’s needed is for state leaders in Raleigh to stand up to this shakedown attempt and refuse to give state money to the Panthers, and also refuse permission for Charlotte Democrats to rob Charlotte taxpayers.
Dear Sir (or Madam,)
I have just heard that you are considering giving taxpayer money to Jerry Richardson and the Carolina Panthers to renovate their privately-owned stadium. This is an outrageous request to pick the pockets of North Carolinians for the benefit of a private organization.
No economic benefits outweigh the importance of protecting the public trust. Theft is theft, even under color of authority. It is simply not the role of government to fund professional sports.
I insist that you vote against any funding request to give the Carolina Panthers state money, and I further demand that you vote against any bill giving the City of Charlotte permission to increase their prepared food and beverage tax to benefit the Panthers, or any other professional sports team.
I will be watching this story via updates from North Carolina’s Campaign for Liberty.
(Your Name)
North Carolina Taxpayer
Please also take a moment to sign Campaign for Liberty’s “NO BAILOUTS FOR SPORTS MILLIONAIRES” petition. Your signature will send a loud and clear signal to Raleigh that you won’t tolerate having your pockets picked to turn football into another government-subsidized boondoggle.
Finally, please call House Speaker Thom Tillis and Senate President Pro Tem Phil Berger. Tell them to vote NO on state money for the Panthers and NO to jacking up Charlotte taxes for the Panthers!
Speaker Thom Tillis:
Senator Phil Berger:
(919) 733-5708
NC’s Campaign for Liberty will keep you informed on how this fight to keep crony capitalists out of your wallet progresses.
In Liberty,
Adam Love
NC State Coordinator
Campaign for Liberty
P.S. Jerry Richardson and the Carolina Panthers are petitioning the NC General Assembly for taxpayer money to upgrade their privately-owned stadium. Please sign Campaign for Liberty’s petition to keep crony capitalists from picking your pocket! Also be sure to contact your state senator and representative and tell them to oppose bailouts for sports millionaires!
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