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Breaking News: Meck Commissioners Fire County Manager Harry Jones


In what appeared to be a well-planned and efficiently executed sacking, the Mecklenburg Board of County Commissioners on Tuesday night voted to terminate County Manager Harry Jones without cause.

After emerging from an hours-long closed session, it took the board only minutes to accomplish what Jones’s myriad of critics have been advocating for years. The board voted 6-2 to fire Jones, with board chair Pat Cotham and Vilma Leake, both Democrats, joining the board’s GOP minority – Bill James, Karen Bentley and Matthew Ridenhour – in dropping the axe. In a true case of bipartisan bizarreness, James made the motion to fire Jones, which was seconded by Leake.

After the vote, Jones was told to leave the dais without comment and was informed by Cotham that his office in the Government Center, where Jones held sway for his 13 years at the helm, would be secured and his personal belongings delivered to him. Jones left the dais without comment.

After heading back into closed session, the board emerged to appoint General Manager Bobbie Shields as interim manager.

Obviously, more details to come as the story develops.

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