Saturday Night House Party: NSA Slow Jam Edition
Yes, as several good folks have reminded me, it’s been a while since my last post; apologies for that, but I’ve been time crunched with another big project (book deal – hooray!) that’s kept me wicked busy and frequently on the road. Thanks and big ups go to PH co-conspirator Christian Hine and our stellar House Guest columnists, along with some excellent guest posts from neighbors, for keeping the content first-rate and flowing. Community feedback and guest columns are something we’re trying to emphasize more, and Christian has been working diligently on a site redesign to make sharing content easier. We hope to have something in the works shortly; until then we encourage everyone to make continued use of our Be A Pundit feature. Rest assured, at least somebody will always be reading your submissions. Speaking of which…
We need your help! If you like PunditHouse, please consider donating to us. Even $5 a month can make a difference!
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