Hudson Files for NC House 98
Thursday afternoon, things got a little more interesting here in North Mecklenburg in the race for the Republican nomination for NC House 98.
Conservative activist Sharon Hudson of Huntersville filed for office today seeking the Republican nomination in the race to replace Thom Tillis in the Legislature – bringing the total to three candidates on the Republican side.
Hudson is a founder of the new Lake Norman Conservatives activist group, and she has been active in Republican Party politics in the local area. Last year she was involved in many of the efforts opposing the HOT Lanes project for widening I77 including the efforts to get a resolution opposing HOT lanes passed at theMeckGOP convention and getting a plank added to the NCGOP party platformopposing the toll lanes.
In the primary race Hudson faces John Bradford and Lynette Rinker of Cornelius. Both Rinker and Bradford served as elected officials during last year’s raging debate on the HOT lanes project – casting crucial local votes in support of the effort.
Even though anti-toll candidates generally came up short during the 2013 election cycle, a three way race where this is an issue once again could yield some excitement. A split “establishment” vote between Bradford and Rinker opens up the possibility that no candidate gets to 40% of the vote in the May primary. That would force a high-stakes, mid-summer, run-off in a low turn out second primary.
If Ms. Hudson makes it into a run-off as the sole anti-toll candidate, it could be a real toss-up and anyone’s guess how that will turn out.
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