Howdy Folks…Been Awhile
I’d like to take just a moment to apologize for what has seemingly been the complete neglect of this website for the past couple of weeks. Yes, we paid the bills and the lights are still on! Truth is, the regular jobs that actually keep those lights on have been busier than normal. Couple that with two extended out of town weekends and a nasty fight with a headcold-turned-vertigo causing sinus infection…and well, there ya go! Things should hopefully be settling down and returning to normal…whatever that is. Thanks for your patience.
On that note, here’s the newsletter I put out this morning announcing our weekly CAUTION (Charlotte Tea Party) meeting. There are lots of things to jump back into over the next two weeks. Swing on by and say hello!
Folks, we have a very busy couple of weeks upon us with a wide variety of informative events scheduled by CAUTION and other friendly organizations in town. We’ve tried to include a comprehensive list in this email, so please read all the way through! (Click HERE to go straight to the event list.)
First up is CAUTION meeting #251A this evening at the Dilworth Neighborhood Grille from 6-7:30PM (5pm social hour). Our guest tonight is Dr. Oddy Crist, author and activist. (In italics below is a bit about Dr. Crist.) Also,CAUTION meeting #251B will be held this Wednesday as we welcome back Loren Spivack for part one of his full two day seminar! More info in the “upcoming events” section below.
When Dr. Crist arrived in America, she left behind a war torn, bombed out and horrified Germany. The cities still bore the evidence of WW2, which had raged on for so many terrifying years. The Allied Forces through their relentless bombing of cities, railroad bridges, even homes, and the ensuing fires brought Hitler’s horrendous and disastrous regime to an end.
Poverty, hunger, displaced people by the millions fleeing from the Eastern European countries ahead of the advancing cruel Russian Army made the reality of war even worse.
Dr. Crist’s family lived in the English occupied northern region of Germany. The English Commander found her grandparent’s farm with its land and many buildings very suitable for the English Headquarters, so for many years they laid claim to it. Having been bold enough to be part of an underground resistance movement to stow away and feed Jews from Gestapo police during the 1930’s and 1940’s, they petitioned the then governing powers to have their names cleared of being Nazi’s. After much paperwork and long waiting periods they were eventually successful.
When the time came for her parents to give consent for her to marry and American at 18 years of age, they agreed to let her move 6,000 miles away from her family to a strange country – America. It was their hope that this journey would ensure a better, safer, and more prosperous life for their daughter.
As Dr. Crist’s love for her new homeland grew and her patriotism for America increased, she became concerned about two things: First, it came to her attention that High School students in California could opt out of History classes (which looked to her like a formula for future disasters waiting to happen) and secondly she was appalled by the lack of participation, complacency, and even apathy of American voters when it came to being involved in the political and election processes.
Over the years, her concern for the downward slide of America and her citizens, brought ridicule, strong opposition, unbelief, bullying and even accusations of being a communist. Undeterred by such negative responses, Dr. Crist has followed her parents and grandparents example for standing up for her conventions, making a difference when obstacles arise and encouraging others to investigate, become involved, and make a difference themselves in preserving America.
Dr. Crist has been a very popular speaker at many area Tea Party and GOP organizations. It is a pleasure to welcome her to CAUTION.
Upcoming CAUTION Meetings
Sept 15 – Author Ed Mattson
Sept 22 – Widen I77 Founder Kurt Naas
Sept 29 – Local candidates for office including Chris Hailey and Scott Carlisle…others invited.
Oct 6 – Mike Faulkenberry, pro Article 5 Convention advocate
Oct 13 – Jeff Lewis, state director of the Patriot Coalition, with the anti-Article 5 Convention position
~The CAUTION Leadership Team
Upcoming Events
Tuesday, September 9 – WidenI77 Presentation in Mooresville
Widen I-77 will be presenting their analysis of the I-77 toll lanes and alternatives this Tuesday, September 9th, at 7pm at the Charles Mack Center in Mooresville. Click HERE for the Facebook Event Invite. Please share with your friends!
Wednesday, September 10 – Loren Spivack Presents “Getting There from Here”
The Free Market Warrior, will be in Charlotte presenting his full seven hour seminar “Getting There from Here” over two upcoming evenings. Both will be held from 6-9:30PM at the Dilworth Neighborhood Grille. The second part will be on Sept 17. If you enjoyed hearing Loren when he spoke to CAUTION on Aug 18, his full presentation is just as enjoyable and informative. Click HERE for the full description of the presentation.
Sunday, September 14 – Atlas Shrugged Meetup with the Meck Libertarian Party
Celebrate Ayn Rand and her novel Atlas Shrugged and the new movie Sunday September 14th at 1:00 pm at Stonecrest Movies at Piper Glen.
Tuesday, September 16 – Charlotte Bastiat Society Meeting
Please join us Tuesday, September 16 from 6:30-7:30pm at the ICEHOUSE Bar & Grill in Southend located at 2100 South Blvd in Charlotte. We are pleased to welcome Alex Johnson of GenOpp North Carolina for a discussion related to their outreach efforts aimed at the millenial generation. Alex Johnson is the North Carolina State Director for Generation Opportunity (or GenOpp for short), an organization advocating for economic opportunity for 18-34 year olds through less government and more freedom. Before joining GenOpp, Alex worked on several federal and state campaigns and graduated from the University of Iowa, majoring in Political Science. He and his wife Christina live in Raleigh, NC and spend most of their time traveling the state advocating for economic freedom.
Craig Seibert, Author of Recovering the American Constitutional System and Chris Hailey, Candidate for Mecklenburg County Sheriff. Taco Mac Restaurant located at 4625 Piedmont Row in Charlotte from 6-8pm.
Click here for more details.Wednesday, September 17 – Constitution Day Breakfast
7:30-9:45AM at First Baptist Church, 301 South Davidson Street, Charlotte.
Special Guests Leslie Nease, William Federer, and William “Wild Bill” Finlay.
Purchase tickets and RSVP by following THIS LINK.
Our founding fathers crafted the Constitution of the United States with such wisdom, faith and incredible courage, America’s constitution is now one of the the most enduring documents in the world. As we celebrate this milestone event, join us for breakfast in Uptown Charlotte to see why crafting this 227 year old document was not easy, but with Biblical wisdom, these men laid the foundation upon which our country was built.
We are honored to be presenting three courageous faith leaders in America today as our special guests.October 24 – CVA’s Defend Freedom Tour in CharlotteJoin us on Friday, October 24, for an evening of FREE food, live entertainment, and a message of action!
This FREE event features performances by patriotic rock band Madison Rising and country music star Ayla Brown, as well as guest speakers Pete Hegseth, CVA CEO and Fox News contributor, Sean Parnell, New York Times best-selling author and Army Ranger, and Karen Vaughn, Gold Star Mother and founder of For Our Son.
Come out to this Defend Freedom Tour event to get involved in the fight for freedom withConcerned Veterans for America and other veterans, military families, and patriotic Americans! RSVP HERE.
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