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Rubio and Walker to Campaign in Fort Mill


For those keeping up with the Presidential race, our proximity to South Carolina gives Charlotte/Mecklenburg residents a strong chance of being able to meet and greet with the candidates in person.  As we receive the information, we’ll publish the details here for our readers.

If you attend any of these events, feel free to send us pictures, video, or your opinions on the event and candidates.

If you know of an event that you don’t see published here, please let us know that as well.


walkerGov. Scott Walker invites you to a meet & greet at The Pavilion at Sun City Carolina Lakes on Monday, August 24 at 12:15PM.

There is no charge for the event, but please RSVP at

The Pavilion is located at 5074 Grandview Dr. in Fort Mill.



RubioSen. Marco Rubio invites you to a meet & greet at Sun City Carolina Lakes on Thursday, August 27 at 11:15AM.

There is no charge for the event, but please RSVP at

The event will take place at the Lake House at Sun City, which is located at 5074 Grandview Dr. in Fort Mill.

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