Stories written by Wynne ColemanWynne is an activist and researcher in support of the U.S. Constitution. She assists her husband in teaching a free 12-week Consitution course. Since 1992, she has been exposing the dangers of Agenda 21-Sustainable Development and other issues that undermine the U.S. Constitution. She was appointed by the Wake County Commissioners to represent the Wake County Taxpayers Association on the Wake County Sustainability Task Force in 2010-2011.
Last week, I wrote to you that my husband and I were headed up North for about a week to visit relatives. We were driving back home when I received a call from an out-of-state contact alerting me that the NC House Judiciary I Committee had just announced a committee hearing for the next day, […]
August 13, 2015 | Posted in Carolinas,House Guests | Read More »