Stories written by Scott Cumbie
Scott Cumbie has called North Carolina home for the past 17 years. For his entire career, he has worked in the computer industry on everything from mainframes to PCs. He has always had a love for history, especially colonial American History. With the rapid slide towards socialism, Scott decided he needed to do more than vote and encourage people to vote. For the past several years, he speaks at every opportunity on the US Constitution, Constitutional issues and American History, as well as issues and current events.

A Constitutional Conversation on Recess Appointments

The discussions this week over the constitutionality of the presidential “recess” appointments have revolved around whether the Senate was in recess or not.  In actuality, the “recess” issue is irrelevant to the question of constitutionality.  For the purposes of this discussion, let us take the President’s position and assume that the Senate was in recess.  […]

January 13, 2012 | Posted in Scott Cumbie | Read More »

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