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The History Behind At-Large County Commissioner Trevor Fuller’s Latest Tantrum


Back in June, I called for County Commission Vice Chair Kim Ratliff’s resignation after her overtly racist remarks calling for our new County Manager to be someone who is “not a white male.”
– She refused to resign.

I then called for her colleagues from BOTH political parties to censure Ratliff and remove her from the County Manager selection process. (SEE VIDEO: )
– The County Commission (including Trevor Fuller) did nothing.

Most recently, Ratliff showed up uninvited to a Selection Committee meeting – why? She refused to say.
(SEE VIDEO: But, by doing so, Ratliff prevented the committee from doing its work.

HERE’S THE BOTTOM LINE: Kim Ratliff should be removed or recuse herself from the County Manager selection process.

After Ratliff’s public racist remarks, which were widely reported, is there any doubt that if anyone BUT a white male is selected, EVERY white male applicant will become a potential lawsuit against Mecklenburg County? (And that means we, the taxpayers, not Kim Ratliff will have to pony up for Ratliff’s outrageous conduct!)

So, now the initial stages of the selection process will be limited to the Selection Committee, instead of the entire Board.

Trevor Fuller can whine, pout and childishly storm out of as many meetings as he wishes – it’s a bad reflection cast solely upon Trevor Fuller himself. But his complaints would be much better received if he and his fellow Commissioners had done the right thing back in June and censured Kim Ratliff for her outrageous behavior while demanding she recuse herself from the selection process.

Because Fuller didn’t display the required integrity to speak up at the time, now he finds himself excluded from the initial phase of County Manager selection – but his self-centered protests seem myopic and childish.

Trevor Fuller, you had an opportunity to make a difference in June – and you chose not to. Fix the Ratliff problem by ensuring her non-participation, and you might find logical public support for the inclusion of you and other non-committee board members.

As it stands, if this is the only way to exclude Kim Ratliff from at least this part of the selection process, then I and my fellow citizens of Mecklenburg County are very grateful.

But, soon, the entire Board will be reviewing the pool of four to five applicants, narrowed down by the Selection Committee.

THE BIG QUESTION REMAINS: Will our County Commissioners put our citizens first and find a way to exclude Kim Ratliff from this process – or will they jeopardize the taxpayers by inviting a potential wave of litigation?

Stay tuned…

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