Operation Chrome Dome: Help Kaliner Help Wounded Warrior Project
Editor’s Note: Former WBT talkshow host, and frequent House Guest contributing columnist, Pete Kaliner has been knocking it out of the park with his gig behind the mic at Asheville’s 570-WWNC. Case in point: his recent challenge to shave his head if listeners help him raise $500 for the Wounded Warrior Project. I’m in with a pledge to double-down if Pete shaves the goatee too. Give if you’re able; it’s for a worthy cause.
We’re almost half way to our goal of $500 for the Wounded Warrior Project. If we hit the goal, I’ll shave my head bald.
And that’s a lot of hair!
We’ll record the video and post it up here, too.
Donate by clicking HERE.
We also have an anonymous challenge. A donor says he’ll give us $500 if another single donor contributes $500. That would nearly triple our goal!
The Wounded Warrior Project is providing critical help to our veterans who are returning home after the horrors of war.
As the son of a Vietnam veteran, I don’t want to see our troops being neglected like that ever again.
We need your help! If you like PunditHouse, please consider donating to us. Even $5 a month can make a difference!
Short URL: https://pundithouse.com/?p=15051