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A Burr In County Board’s Bipartisan Saddle


Less than a month after surviving a coup to unseat her as chairman of the Mecklenburg Board of County Commissioners, Jennifer Roberts, a Democrat, is back to playing party politics and stirring up partisan ploys.

Roberts earlier this month hatched an idea to send a letter of support and thanks to Congressional members of Mecklenburg’s delegation, to include Sen. Richard Burr, a Republican, for their vote to repeal the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy. But instead of taking the idea directly to her colleagues on the board, initially Roberts apparently tried to run it through the county manager’s office.

That didn’t work so well and when other commissioners were informed of the idea, the backlash was immediate.

This from the chain of e-mails that tracks Roberts’ plan, starting with one that she sent not to her fellow commissioners, but to Brian Frances in the county manager’s office:

From: Roberts, Jennifer 
Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 2010 12:06 PM
To: Francis, Brian; Hardy, Nyki
Cc: Jones, Harry L.
Subject: Letter to congress and senators

I would like the letter below to be sent to those in our delegation who supported repeal of the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy.  While this has not been on our legislative agenda, we as a county have supported fairness and inclusion for LGBT employees in a number of ways.  I would like to thank our delegation for supporting this.

Brian, I know you have some qualms about whether this should be done by you or someone else, since as you state it was not on our legislative agenda.

Harry, I simply cannot send out everything by myself that I need to keep our connections strong with our legislative colleagues.  You can decide who needs to help me get this letter sent .  Thanks

Here is the text:

Dear Senator/Representative:

I want to thank you for your recent support of the repeal of the “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” policy for the US military.  I personally know many families who will find this change a great relief and one more step toward treating LGBT employees equally in the federal government.

As you know, the Mecklenburg County Commission voted several years ago to include sexual orientation in our non-discrimination policy for county employees.  We also voted to offer Domestic Partner benefits to our gay and lesbian employees, and this will be the first year they will be able to enjoy that benefit. I have been thanked by many for advocating for fairness and inclusion, as well as a supportive work environment, for these employees.

I applaud you for supporting fairness and look forward to continuing to work with you on the many challenging issues we are facing in the coming year, at the local, state and federal levels.

Thanks for all you do for the citizens of Mecklenburg County and the state of North Carolina.  Have a wonderful and restful holiday.

Best regards


This letter needs to go to Reps Kissell and Watt and both Senators Hagan and Burr.

Which drew the following response from County Manager Harry Jones:

From: Jones, Harry L.Sent: Wed 12/22/2010 11:10 AM
To: Roberts, Jennifer; Francis, Brian; Hardy, Nyki
Subject: RE: Letter to congress and senators


We need to discuss this. As Chairman, I assume you wish to send this letter on behalf of the BOCC. If that is the case, and, in order to be transparent about your intentions I recommend that you communicate your desire to the Board informing them of your plans. I clearly understand that to do so could result in a request by some members of the board to send a letter to the other member of our legislative delegation who did not support the repeal. I believe it wise for me not to place my staff in the middle of this potential “political” dispute.

Harry L. Jones, Sr.

Roberts finally let the board that she chairs in on her plan, with the following correspondence to commissioners:

I know that Sen Burr has taken a great deal of heat for his vote and wanted to support him by sending the letter below, but wanted to make sure you were ok with it, the Republicans in particular since you all did not vote for these policies.  I would be happy to add something to the effect ‘While it was not a unanimous vote, the BOCC voted to….” Harry does not feel comfortable allowing staff to prepare this since it was not on our legislative agenda.

In general, how strongly do all of you feel about me sending out letters to state or federal officials regarding stands they have taken on other issues, such as air quality, housing, transit, etc.?  Do you feel I should only communicate on issues on our legislative agenda, or is it ok to touch on other things too?


The response from Republican Commissioner Bill James, who reports that the other GOP members on the county board, along with Democrat Harold Cogdell, also oppose Roberts’ idea to send a letter of support and thanks to members of the county’s Congressional delegation who voted to repeal DADT:


As you likely know, I am opposed to this so would not endorse congratulating Senator Burr for his vote.

Homosexuals are sexual predators. Allowing homosexuals to serve in the US military with the endorsement of the Mecklenburg County Commission ignores a host of serious problems related to maintaining US military readiness and effectiveness not the least of which is the current Democrat plan to allow homosexuals (male and female) to share showers with those they are attracted to. The US Government would not allow Hetero men and women to share showers and other personal facilities yet the leading homosexual in Congress (Barney Frank) thinks it is OK for homosexuals to do so allowing enlisted men and women to fall prey to higher ranking or more powerful homosexuals who ogle them (or worse).

I suspect Richard Burr will pay a high electoral price for his actions but whether it boots him from office next time is unknown. I know I won’t be supporting him even if he does have an R after his name.

On a related subject regarding homosexuals and ‘resolutions’; I have sent some items to the GOP in Raleigh about a month or so ago asking them to:

1.  Put on the ballot the NC Marriage amendment (prohibits homosexual marriage),

2. Adopt into law the “Pulliam” case for social service adoptions and foster care. See attached scientific study of 229 abuse victims entitled: ‘Behavior Patterns of Child Molesters’ (Erickson, Walbek, Seely – 1988) which cites the following:

( On page 83 of this study is the following citation: ‘Eighty-six percent of offenders against males described themselves as homosexual or bixexual’.

3. Clarify State law that currently prohibits governments in NC from offering homosexual ‘wife’ medical benefits (determined to be illegal by some County/City Attorneys but approved by the Mecklenburg BOCC Democrats). This goal is to overturn and prohibit what you and other places in NC have adopted.

While I have no problem with you sending notes in support of things you feel passionately about others have different viewpoints. I have taken the liberty of doing the same (about a month or so ago) now that the GOP are in control in Raleigh and hope they will bear fruit.

I won’t however ask you all to sign off on my views but did want to make you aware of my contact with the legislature as you did with this note. I started this process about 6 weeks ago contacting those in positions to make changes in the House and senate.


Commissioner Bill James (R, District 6)

So much for the warm and fuzzy spirit of bipartisanship that Roberts professed to embrace only a few weeks ago. More to the point, what does the heavy-handed way she handled this issue say about her leadership on the county board?

UPDATE: Responses from other commissioners to Roberts:

From Vice Chair Jim Pendergraph, Republican:


You may of course send what you like.  I am opposed to the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. I don’t think the timing is right for this and as a 19 year old enlistee from Steele Creek in the U.S. Army in 1969, the first homosexual I ever encountered was in basic training. He was the company clerk. It was a bad scene and this individual exerted his authority on young impressionable recruits.

Whatever you send, don’t put my name on it. I don’t see this as anything to be proud of.

Jim Pendergraph

From Commissioner Harold Cogdell, Democrat

To all:

I would urge all of us to please remain focused on issues directly affecting Mecklenburg County Government.

I believe any of us can voice our individual opinions as elected officials on any issue. However, I agree with County Manager Jones response that unless the BOCC has taken an official position or action on a political issue, county staff should not have to prepare personal position documents or correspondence.

I don’t belive any of us should be voicing our support for, opposition to or position regarding any issue on behalf of the BOCC unless our Board has taken an official position on such issue by way of action taken at a regular or special meeting of the BOCC.

Harold Cogdell, Jr.

From Commissioner Karen Bentley, Republican


If you would like to send a personal note to Senators Hagan and Burr and Congressman Watt and Kissell that is fine. I am highly disappointed in Senator Burr and oppose his stance on this matter. Therefore, do not include my name on any communication supporting this vote. In the future, any letters or e-mails going to our State or Federal delegation on behalf of this Board should be reviewed and approved by the entire Board.



From Commissioner Neil Cooksey, Republican


I concur with Harold on this issue.  Unless we formally adopt something, I do not think that any individual member of the Board should speak for the Board or give the appearance of doing so.  Moreover, any personal notes to legislators on issues should clearly indicate that the letter is sent in an individual capacity and not an official one.  I have no interest in getting in the practice of having to send dissenting letters.  Speaking for myself only, I am

Very truly yours,

Neil Cooksey

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