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The Best Voter Lists Available

Center City Prima Donnas


There is absolutely no reason for Center City Partners chief Michael Smith to be pocketing $346K-plus a year, other than our city council is loaded with gullible toads lacking spine enough to buck the uptown mafia.

That they’re apparently willing to sit there and swallow an arrogantly defensive rationale hustled by Smith, that his uptown lunch bunch’s operation is “best practice” standard, only adds insult to injury.

Smith’s salary alone consumes nearly 10 percent of his outfit’s best-practice $4 million budget, the large majority of it coming from tax dollars. He’s getting ready to give himself and his cohorts a nearly 5-percent salary hike. And yet the best-practice accomplishment he can point to is an amorphous claim of promoting uptown and helping to create a maze of confusing and utterly useless uptown directional signs.

Hey, pal, here’s a sign for you.

With any luck, the council’s budget committee that is currently reviewing this merry band of shakedown artists will do the right thing: recommend that the full council dramatically reduce funding for Center City Partners, push the group’s board of directors to slash Smith’s exorbitant salary and demand specific performance requirements and benchmarks moving forward.

Extra credit work: Contact a councilmember and strongly encourage them to take action on this. Phone numbers and e-mails can be found here.

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