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MSM SOP: Blame The Tea Party


As we speak of the Colorado massacre, we as decent people must extend our sympathy to the victims and their families. Those of us who are people of faith must take a moment and offer thoughts and prayers. Yet at the very next step, we are watching the gun-grabbers make their move. All of the usual suspects from the left have begun to jump up and down and once again do everything they can to demonize an inanimate object and then look to strip law-abiding citizens of their Second Amendment rights.

One of the ugliest parts of this was the despicable bottom-feeding activity engaged in by two self-proclaimed journalists. In the aftermath of the shooting, former Bill Clinton errand boy George Stephanopulous  and Brian Ross irresponsibly and inaccurately announced that there was a man with the same name as the suspect listed as a member of the Colorado Tea Party. Actually there are 24 men with that name in the Denver area. The man they identified on national TV is twice as old as the shooter. If ABC News had any shred of journalistic integrity Ross and Stephanopulous would be fired.


The Jeff Katz Show, twice named Best Talk in Boston by the Associated Press, can be heard on or by downloading i heart radio.

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