Savoring The Taste Of Free Speech
Did you ever think that freedom of speech would be so delicious? The great Chick-fil-A revolt is well underway and I could not be prouder. The CEO of Chick-fil-A acknowledged in an interview with the Baptist Press that he did indeed personally support the Biblical definition of marriage as one man and one woman.
From that simple comment came a flurry of activity. First America’s dumbest mayor, Tom “Mumbles” Menino, proclaimed that Chick-fil-A would not be welcome in his city of Boston. Then Chicago Mayor Rahmbo Emmanuel, taking time from his busy schedule of begging murderous gangbanging thugs not to slaughter any more innocent children, announced that Chick-fil-A would not be allowed to open in Chicago. Apparently bullets are okay, but waffle fries are not.
This issue has never been about same-sex marriage or chicken sandwiches. It is about our freedom to think and speak freely. I continue to call on good decent people to support Chick-fil-A. I hope you’ll order the Mayor Menino, which includes two fat thighs and a left wing.
Oh, do waffle fries remind you any other politicians?
The Jeff Katz Show, twice named Best Talk in Boston by the Associated Press, can be heard on or by downloading i heart radio.
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